Category Archives: Portable Toilets

portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

Remodeling Issues-Portable Toilet Use

When you remodel your home or business, there are a lot of things to consider. If there are bathrooms involved, for example, how is that going to work? You might need portable toilets in Petaluma, CA to help you through the hard time of remodeling through to the time when things are much better than they were before.

Close The Business, Or Get Portable Toilets

If it’s your business that you are remodeling, you might have two choices if the bathroom is in the mix. You might have to close the business for the remodeling project or, you might have to place portable toilets instead. You may not want to lose revenue and if your business is operational other than the bathroom, portable toilets can certain suffice.

Go To A Hotel, Or Get Portable Toilets

When you remodel your home, it’s a pain, but you know things are going to be for the better later on. When a bathroom is out of commission, it might come down to either going to a hotel or renting a portable toilet to get by while things are under construction. Hotel prices are steep, much steeper than renting a portable toilet. You may not need that extra expense when you are already paying renovation bills.

Consider Variety In Portable Toilets

When you think about portable toilets, there are a lot more options than you might know about. There are the standard portable toilets that you have likely used before, but there are other choices to consider as well. You might think about a handicapped version, for example. There’s a zero entry, which accommodates wheelchairs and people with other mobility concerns. It’s also just a larger portable toilet, so it lets mothers and fathers help children or gives people space to change as well as use the facilities. Then, there are fully flushing portable toilets. These feel like real bathrooms and have running water and a sink for handwashing and everything. This is a great resource to replace a bathroom in a restaurant, near a home, and in other locations.

If you are going to renovate your home or business and the bathroom is a part of that process, there are decisions to make. You might have to shut the business down, or get portable toilets rented. You might have to go to a hotel, or get portable toilets put into place. There are many different types to consider and they can really help you to get through the renovation time until you have the details into place and everything put back together.

portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

When you are planning out renovations, it’s never too early to look into the options and start to think about what you want to do. The professionals can help you to price out portable toilets in Petaluma, CA, look at the types and options, and plan where you are going to place those units. Contact them for a free consultation and talk about how many units you might need and pricing details to get more information.

portable toilets in Sonoma, CA

Creating A Luxury Event Outside

If you are going to have a wedding, an anniversary party, a retirement party, or another luxury event outside, there’s a lot of planning that goes into that. You will want to choose a comfortable space and accommodate your guests in all of the right ways. There are many things to consider, including portable toilets in Sonoma, CA and many other elements. Here are some things to consider.

Shelter For Guests

What time of the day are you having the event? If it’s going to be bright and sunny, you might want some tents up to shelter guests from the sun. Tents are also a nice way to light the evening with twinkling lights to give that elegant appeal. Plus, if there’s a little rain, you might be able to still hold the event outside if you have shelter over the heads of your guests.

What They Smell

You are going to want to address all of the senses with something elegant and luxurious. Scents might include the food they are going to eat or something like beautiful, fragrant flower arrangements. You can place flowers at the entrance of the outdoor area, or you can have them at each table as a centerpiece. The scent gives a pleasant, elegant experience.

What They See

Another one of the senses is what your guests are going to see. If there’s a tent, decorate it with the flowers, lights, colors, covered chairs, and other elements. It can infuse style into the event and allow your guests to understand the luxury you are going for with the day.

What They Hear

Music can also set the tone for an event. You are going to want the music to match the event’s style. For something elegant, perhaps strings or some kind of instrumental music can be nice. For a wedding, romantic songs playing in the background can always be nice and so on. Music should be in the background and not so loud that people can’t chat.

The Food Available

Anyone can have sandwiches or a potluck, but at a luxurious event, you are going to want foods that stand out. Tiny finger foods, appetizers, plated meals that look as good as they taste and foods that are on the upscale side are going to be more what you want to showcase just how you want this event to look and feel.

portable toilets in Sonoma, CA

Meeting Needs

A lot of your thoughts are going to go into the decorations, the food, the music and so on. But you are also going to want to meet your guest’s basic needs. For an outdoor event, that could very well mean renting portable toilets. There are options on the market of luxurious portable toilets in Sonoma, CA. You can get fully flushing toilets, for example, that feel like real bathrooms, complete with running water. They give off that elegant feeling that can match your event from start to finish. When you have the need, the professionals can help you with the options.

portable toilets in Novato, CA

Controlling Odor In Portable Toilets

One of the first things you think about when portable toilets in Novato, CA come to mind is the smell that emanates from them. No one appreciates the stereotypical smell of portable toilets. But now all of them have to be that way. There are ways to control that odor and you can put those into effect in order to rent the right units an event that has the need for such things. Here are a few things you can do to control to odors.

Quality Company Rentals

The first thing you are going to want to do is find the right company from which to rent the portable toilets. You don’t want to rent from a company that only has old toilets on hand that already smell bad. You want a quality company with experience that boasts in clean toilets and odor control. Look up reviews and see what people say about renting from that company. If you see nice comments about usage and odor, that’s a good sign that you can trust that company as well.


You, as the renter, or the company that rents the equipment to you, can place deodorizers in the portable toilets. Some of these deodorizers work to remove odors from the air to leave a clean scent behind. Others have a scent to them and cover up any odors that are present. Either are a nice way to get rid of or cover up the smell that might be in the air.

Regular Cleaning

If you are in need of a portable toilet for a longer period of time, you are going to need regular cleaning in that unit in order to keep the scents at bay. Have staff wipe things down and ensure the toilet paper and other items are well-stocked. You will also perhaps want the professionals to come out and run their cleaning services on the unit. This can be a part of your rental package. You can have the unit serviced regularly so they can pump out the waste and ensure that you get everything you need to keep the toilet operational and pleasant in scent.

portable toilets in Novato, CA

Certain Rentals

While there are standard portable toilets, there are also fully flushing units that can help to dull the scents as well. These units have two tanks, one for waste and one filled with fresh water. They feel like a real bathroom in that when you use the toilet, you flush. There are also running water sinks included for cleaning up after. Since the waste isn’t nearby any longer, the smells remain at bay.

When you are trying to figure out what to do for rental of portable toilets in Novato, CA, you are going to want to make sure the smells that are associated with these rentals isn’t something you or your guests have to deal with. It’s an important part of the process for you and any event you are going to have. The professionals can help you with the options.

portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

Circumstances That Call For Portable Toilets

You likely don’t think about, or even use portable toilets in Petaluma, CA on a regular basis, but there are some circumstances in which they become a necessity. If you are in one of these circumstances, you might have to look into renting portable toilet units. Keep in mind that there are plenty of options on the market today, depending on your situation. You might need something standard, or something fully flushing and larger for an upscale event. Here are some of the circumstances that call for portable toilets.

Construction Sites

If you have ever driven by a house being built or another construction site, you will likely see a portable toilet amidst the dirt and progress. There isn’t running water and fixtures yet and the people who are working on that site need facilities. Having a portable toilet on site can help them to meet needs without leaving the site, which allows them to get more work done in an efficient manner.

Outdoor Entertainment

If you are having a concert, craft show, or some other kind of outdoor event with guests, you are going to need portable toilets if there are no functional bathrooms in the vicinity…especially if there are food and drinks involved. Outdoor entertainment will need the right number and good locations for those bathrooms, depending on how many guests you plan to have at the event.

Outdoor Weddings

For outdoor weddings, there may be buildings nearby that have restrooms available, or there may not be. You may not have enough restrooms even if there is an outdoor building close by. You are going to want fully flushing portable toilets, perhaps, or something larger in size so that you can accommodate the class and elegance of the event, as well as families that might be helping children in the restroom.

portable toilets in Petaluma, CA


Businesses or even homes that are trying to renovate one or more bathroom areas might want to place a portable toilet outside the venue for use. It can really help a family to meet needs when everyone is trying to get ready at the same time. It can also help a business to stay up and running, both for customers and employees, while those renovations are taking place.

There are lots of other instances in which you might want to have portable toilets in Petaluma, CA rented and on site. The professionals can help to advise you as to whether or not portable toilets are a good idea. They can also let you know how many you should place, based on how many guests you are planning to host. And, they can help you to place the portable toilets in the right locations for everyone involved. They will even help to service the toilets if they are going to be in place for a certain length of time. Give them a call and you can look into the options, figure out the pricing, and get all of the details together for whatever kind of event or circumstance you might be facing that will need these products.

portable toilets in Sonoma, CA

Adding Hand Washing Stations With Portable Toilet Rentals

When you need to rent portable toilets in Sonoma, CA for an event, it doesn’t really matter what the event is, you might want to consider adding some hand washing stations to place outside the portable toilets. These stations are always a good addition if you get portable toilets that don’t already have running water and sinks inside. Even if the portable toilets have sinks in them, handwashing stations can be a good idea since they can be used outside of the toilet area without having used the facilities. Here are a few reasons to add these stations.

Add Sanitation

Whenever you use the restroom, you are going to want to wash your hands after. Having the hand washing stations convenient and right there when you need them can help you to meet that need. Even if you don’t use the facilities, if you get dirty or want to grab a bite to eat, washing your hands might be something you want to do to remain as sanitary as possible in your situation. Those stations can allow any guests to do just that.

Convenience For Guests

It’s nice for guests to have what they need, when they need it, while they are on site for whatever occasion you are having. Hand washing stations may not be a complete necessity, like portable toilets are, but they are a convenient thing to have nearby. Sure, guests can get by with hand sanitizer or maybe some cleansing wipes they brought with them, but having somewhere to actually wash their hands can really make them feel welcome and as if they are getting everything they want from the event in a convenient manner.

Peace Of Mind For Everyone

When you wash your hands after using a portable toilet, it gives you peace of mind, right? You know portable toilets are shared, like any public toilet, and washing your hands afterwards can help you to feel as if you are clean and ready to meet the rest of the day. You can get peace of mind from washing your hands after other activities as well and before eating, for example.

portable toilets in Sonoma, CA

Help With Accidents

You never know what’s going to happen and when and if you spill on your shirt, get your hands sticky, or run into other occasions that need help from water, the hand washing sink outside the portable toilets can help you get cleaned up. You might be rather relieved to know that there is water nearby that you can use to allow everything to go back to how you want.

If there are going to be portable toilets in Sonoma, CA at a certain event, you may want to add hand washing stations just outside those units so you can allow guests to wash up after using the facilities, before eating, or on any other occasion that needs it. These stations are a great way to give guests everything they need as well as everything they want for the event you are organizing.

Portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

What To Do If Your Portable Toilets Tip Over

Portable toilets in Petaluma, CA are convenient and necessary for construction sites, events, and many other outdoor occasions. They are self-contained and can be set up almost anywhere. It’s important that when they are set up, the professionals are the ones who place them. They need to be put in a stable, flat location so they won’t tip over. However, whether it’s a storm, an accident, or something else, portable restrooms can tip over. If that happens to one you have rented, what should you do about it?

How Can They Tip Over?

The most common cause of a portable toilet tipping over is high winds. If a storm blows through, the portable toilet could fall over easily enough. Especially if they are out in the open and aren’t blocked by any walls or other buildings that could protect them from the wind and break it from hitting them straight on. They can also tip over if they are placed on uneven ground in the first place. And, last but not least, pranks can be a cause. It’s actually illegal to tip over a portable toilet with someone inside because it’s dangerous and can really hurt someone severely.

What To Do:

If the portable toilets tip over, for any reason, there are a variety of things you might want to do. Here are a few to consider:

Contact The Rental Company

You are going to want to contact the rental company if tipping occurs. They can assess the circumstances and see if they can right the restroom and get it cleaned up or if they need to replace it with another product. The crew will take care of any mess that may have occurred on site from the tipping.

Secure The Area

Once you notice the tipped restroom, you will want to put up some cones or caution tape around the restroom and any mess that was made to allow people to get around it safely. You don’t want people coming into contact with the restroom or any waste that may have seeped out of it in the tipping process.

Possibly Call Authorities

If someone was in the restroom when it tipped, there could be injuries. Get them out of the restroom and assess injuries. Provide first aid, if possible, or call the authorities to get them medical help.

Portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

Tipping Prevention

You will want any portable toilets on your property to be placed on a level area. You may want boards beneath them so you don’t have to worry about the ground shirting there. You could also use stakes or weights to help secure them. The experts will have more tips to ensure that tipping won’t occur.

If you are using portable toilets in Petaluma, CA for any reason, you want them to be accessible and effective, but you don’t want them to tip over. While the occurrence is rare, you want to know what to do if something happens at your site.

portable toilets in Novato, CA

Making The Most Of Your Portable Toilet Rentals

There are a lot of things you are going to want to consider if you are looking into renting portable toilets in Novato, CA for an event. You want any guests to have what they need and you can give people privacy at the same time. While you make the plans, here are some things you are going to want to think over. The professionals are also there to help you with these items, and many others, as they want to make sure you get just what you want and need.

How Many Guests Will Be Present

You may not know exactly how many people are going to be at your event, but you are going to want at least a ballpark figure. The amount of people you are expecting will help you to determine how many portable toilets you will need. In general, you are going to want one stall for every 20-30 guests. You want to have enough for the crowd you are expecting without going overboard and wasting money.

The Location Of The Stalls

You will want to place any portable toilets you get in an accessible area. It might be near the exit or entrance of your area, or perhaps along the sides. You may want room for them to be lined up in a group and also a space for people to line up. You don’t want them too close to the food area, but perhaps in sight of that area so people know where to go.

Consider The Features

There are plenty of standard portable toilets on the market for rental today. These stalls are what you would regularly thing of when you consider ‘portable toilets.’ However, there are also a lot of features that you an add to them. There are a variety of options, like handicap accessible toilets, which have a zero entry and enough room inside for wheelchairs to turn around. Not only are these great for mobility-challenged, but they work well for families that have young children who need help, or moms with kids they can’t leave alone outside the restroom. There are also fully flushing portable toilet options with sinks and running water, completely contained. Think about the crowd you will have and what their needs and expectations they might have.

portable toilets in Novato, CA

Cleaning Schedules

If the event is only day, you may not need a cleaning schedule with the professionals, but you may want a staff member to check in on the units, make sure there is paper, check the hand sanitizer, soap, and paper towels and other such things. If the portable toilets will be on site for more than a day or two, check with the experts about having them come clean things out.

There are plenty of option on the market and these are just a few of the things you will want to consider with your rental of portable toilets in Novato, CA. The experts will ask other questions that will help you to line up the details in the right manner.

portable toilets in Sonoma, CA

Is A Portable Toilet A Good Idea For A Large Family Reunion?

It’s not every day that you are about to plan a whole family reunion. While some extended family tries to get together every year, for other families, it’s a much more rare occasion and happens once every great while. When the event is coming up, there are things you might want to think about—like whether or not you need to rent portable toilets in Sonoma, CA to make the event as enjoyable as possible for everyone in attendance. Here are some things to consider as you think about the rental options.

How Many People Are Coming?

The first thing you need to think about is how many people you think will reasonably attend. If you have a huge family and you’re inviting everyone, even distant cousins, it could be quite a group. If you are only having immediate family and you have one sibling who has one child, that’s not so bad. You might still need portable toilet rental for a small group, but you won’t need more than one. With a larger group, you might need further options.

How Many Other Restrooms Are Available, If Any?

Think about where you are going to have the reunion. It’s possible you’re meeting in a park shelter and there’s a building nearby with one restroom. IT’s also possible there’s nothing available. Even if you are having the reunion in a family home, is the one restroom available going to be enough? There may not be other restrooms available and even if there are, is that enough?

Will There Be Food?

If there is going to be food and drinks at the reunion, which is likely, then restrooms are a given as something you absolutely have to have. Even if there isn’t going to be anything, there will likely be kids and even adults who would enjoy the time more if they have the change to stay longer without leaving due to those needs.

portable toilets in Sonoma, CA

What Portable Toilet Options Do You Like?

When you think about portable toilets, you might turn up your nose at the idea of the standard options, but there are actually a lot of choices involved. You can get something fully flushing that feels like a real bathroom, complete with running water in a sink. You can also get something with more space, like a handicap accessible restroom, that works well for those with mobility issues and for families that might need an adult to help a child. There are certainly plenty of options and you can mix and match what you need for your family reunion.

If you are having a gathering that is going to need more restrooms than are available to you in your location, consider renting one or more portable toilets in Sonoma, CA. The professionals can advise you as to how many you need based on how many people will be present, for how long, and what food and drinks you will have at the event.

portable toilets in Novato, CA

Dealing With Portable Toilets In Bad Weather

When you have portable toilets in Novato, CA available for guests at an event, you can give them the attention they need whenever they need it. But when bad weather hits, there are certain things you are going to want to do, and not do, to deal with those portable toilets. Here are some hints and, as always, you can call the professionals for more advice at any time.

Don’t Use Them As Shelter

The first thing you need to understand is that portable toilets are not good shelters from any storm. While they might shield you from the rain, they are a dangerous location in any kind of wind. They can blow over and they aren’t going to provide all that much protection from flying debris. If you are caught in a storm, portable toilets are not going to suffice as shelter.

Place Them Well In The First Place

When you place the portable toilets, if they are going to be around for a good while, you aren’t going to know what the weather might do. It’s best to place them well in the first place so, with any luck, if the weather turns sour while they are there, they will be safe and any structures around them will be protected as well.

Provide Protection From Wind

Wind is going to be the biggest danger to portable toilets and high winds can happen even on nice days when there aren’t storms in sight. You might want to place the portable toilets in locations that will have protection from the wind. They could go up against a building, near a wall, or alongside tall trees. Anything that can block the wind from hitting them full force can help to keep them upright.

Add Mats Outside

Once storms have cleared, there might be a lot of mud around the premises and you may want to have some mats outside the portable toilet doors so not as much mud is dragged through the unit. These mats, which can ideally have holes in it for drainage, can help people from slipping on the way in or out of the toilets as well.

portable toilets in Novato, CA

Clean In And Around Them After

If a storm rolls through, you might want to check the portable toilets and clean things up. There might be debris around them or, if the door wasn’t latched, there could be rain or debris inside as well. Check to make sure everything is line up well and ready for use again before you release them to guests.

When you have rented portable toilets in Novato, CA for a certain event, if they are going to be around for a while, you never know what kinds of storms might roll through. If a storm occurs, talk to the professionals about what you need to do afterwards. They might even be able to come out and help you with clean up or assess any damage that occurred. They can also offer advice tips to help.

portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

Different Types Of Portable Toilets

Granted, you don’t spend your days sitting around thinking about portable toilets in Petaluma, CA. But when you are out at an outdoor event and you need a restroom, the thought might cross your mind. You might think about them even more closely if you are organizing an outdoor event and need to rent some. While the standard options come to mind whenever portable toilets come up, there are actually many different choices today. Here are a few to consider.

Accessible Portable Toilets

If the event is going to have anyone who has mobility issues, handicap-accessible toilets are always a good thing to have on site. These toilets are larger on the inside so a wheelchair can actually turn around. They also don’t have a lip, but rather are zero entry so no one has anything to step over that might trip them up. Not only are they nice for those with mobility issues, but since they are larger, they are ideal for families as well. Think about the young child that needs the parent’s help, for example. Fitting two (or more!) people in a standard portable toilet can be a nightmare. But going into a handicap accessible option is easy and much more manageable.

Fully Functional Portable Toilets

There are portable toilets today that are more of an all-inclusive option that actually feel like real restrooms. They have two tanks on them, one tank of fresh water and one tank for waste. When you use the facilities, you can flush the toilet and even wash your hands in the fresh water in the sink nearby. They look and act like real bathrooms. They are great for events of any kind, but especially for classy affairs, like an outdoor wedding or another occasion that calls for upscale options.

Standard Portable Toilets

This option is the one you think of most often when you consider portable toilets. They have one holding tank available for waste. They often come with a hand sanitizer on the inside or outside and many people also add the hand washing station that can be placed just outside so everyone has the opportunity to wash their hands after use.

portable toilets in Petaluma, CA

There are other options to consider and if you have an outdoor event coming up, the professionals can go over them with you. They can also help you decide how many restrooms you need and of which kind. You might mix standard portable toilets and handicap options, for example, or fully flushing toilets with handicap choices. The pros can also help you to place them conveniently and in good locations for your guests and the event you are looking to have.

If you are needing portable toilets in Petaluma, CA for an event of any kind, think through the options, the needs you have, and what you want the results to be and you can get everything lined up perfectly. Consult with the experts and they will have a delivery schedule for you along with maintenance and everything else you need.